Resources to Share with Families


Check out these summer opportunities for trainings and networking!

PaTTAN Family Support Specialists publication image. Click on the image for more information.

 Families, do you have questions about special education services, rights, evaluation, or IEP process? Are   you looking for family-friendly resources to help you co-lead your child’s educational journey with   them? PaTTAN’s Family Support Specialists can assist with general information about the IDEA and   Pennsylvania special education regulations, processes, forms, and more (including low-incidence,   sensory disabilities.) Check out our new  publication to see how we can help!

**ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you know about the PA Statewide Family Network?

FAMILIES to the MAX (F2MAX)The family voice in Pennsylvania
Learn how FAMILIES TO THE MAX has inspired members and changed what’s possible for their children and ALL children in PA. Families share the impact of presuming competence and having high expectations for children with disabilities and special healthcare needs.  (Video available in English and Spanish.)
                                                              Image of the video FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The Family Voice in PA. Click on image to go to video
FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania

Aprenda cómo las FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO han inspirado a los miembros y han cambiado lo que es posible para sus hijos y para TODOS los niños en PA.  Las familias comparten el impacto de presumir competencia y tener altas expectativas para los niños con impedimentos y necesidades especiales de salud.
                                                             Image of the Spanish Version of the video FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The Family Voice in PA. Click on image to go to video

SPREAD THE WORD! Share this video with school personnel and boards; medical, related, and community service staff; all families; and post on social media sites.

                                                        FAMILIES TO THE MAX PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE FAMILY NETWORK . Click on image to go to page.               FAMILIES TO THE MAX PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE FAMILY NETWORK  Spanish logo

F2MAX Family Tip Sheets

image of the Families to the Mac Tip Sheet Presuming Competence          image of the Families to the Max Tip Sheet Access to General Education Curriculum.           image of the Families to the Max Tip Sheet Behavior
    Para español, haga clic aquí                     Para español, haga clic aquí                      Para español, haga clic aquí


Upcoming Events      

Conferences – visit page for full list of events and check back frequently for updates!                                                                                                                                            
PaTTAN Literacy Symposium Date June 11 -June 13, 2024. Click on image for more information.     Special Education Leadership Academy Date: Postponed until July 2024. Click on image for more information.     PA Community of Practice Transition Conference 7/31 - 8/1/24 Location: Hybrid/State College. Click on image for more information   National Autism Conference 8/5/24 - 8/8/24. Location Hybrid/PaTTAN-Central. Click on image for more information


Other Resources for Families

image of What is the difference between family involvement and family engagement? PaTTANpod Family Involvement v Family Engagement                       Image of Parent Consultants: Supporting Family-School Partnerships for Student Success. Click on Image to go to PaTTANpod.        

 image of Options to Resolve Differences Between Families and Schools. Click on image to go to PaTTAN pod                                     
image of Pennsylvania Department of Education of Frequently Asked Questions about Attorney Participation at Special Education Mediation


Let's Introduce you to the IEP Team image.
New Animated Videos about ALL the IEP Team Members!
Have you ever wondered who should be at an IEP team meeting or why an individual was there? Check out this new series of short clips introducing each member of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. Follow PaTTAN on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LindedIn to see new releases, or visit the YouTube playlist. Great to share with staff, families, and your school community.

image of Pennsylvania's Family Engagement Birth through College, Career, Community Ready Framework: A Companion Guide for Families. Click on image to go to document

National Center on Improving Literacy logo. Click on image to go to page

Affordable Health Insurance Medicaid: How to Qualify and Apply for Medicaid image.       Pennsylvania Health Insurance: Find Affordable Plans. click on image for more info       

National PTA every child one voice Family Resources image. Click on image to go to page.     Image of Parents' Guide to Student Success.  Click on image for more info.

Image of ODR Understanding the Special Education Due Process Hearings A Guide for Parents and Families. Click on image to go to the page.                      

image of Enhancing School Engagement and Attendance for Students with Disabilities.  Click here to go to publications webpage.                      I'M DETERMINED Families You made it to the right place, we are glad you're here. As family members, you are an important part of your student's success no matter their age. Explore resources and events that will help you support your child along their journey image. Click on image to go to page.   

Resources for Secondary Transition:

Transition Discoveries About Us image. Click on image to go to page                                                         PA Secondary Transition logo

Your Voice, Your Story, Your Future. Family Engagement in your Transition Planning image. Click on image to go to you tube video.                                                            Opening Doors to College video. Click on link to go to page.  

                                                           Partnerships in Employment Erik W Carter What Matter Most Research on Elevating Parent Expectations image. Click on image to go to PDF



The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is part of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. ODP provides supports and services to improve the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDD) and/or Autism.  Supports may include waivers (benefits and services), such as Medical Assistance/Medicaid; Community Living; Infant Toddler, and Family, as well as other services. To determine if you or your child is eligible for ODP services, follow this guide:ODP Services guide. Click Here for eligibility and contact information                                                                               Does Your Child Have a Hearing and/or Vision Concern? Watch this brief video: Family Resource Group.

A-Guide-to-Interacting-with-Police.png                                                                                  Resources for children with significant cognitive disabilities. Helping Your Child by Checking Progress at Home. Click on image to go to video                                                                                                      

 Family Engagement logo