Family Engagement Logo

Families and schools working together because our students are worth it!

                                          Family Engagement Building Partnerships with Families and Communities image.

Dec. 2022 – Updated National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships, Meet the Members of the IEP Team video series, Publication Bundles
Nov. 2022 - Collaborating with Families of Students with Disabilities, Family Stories Month
Oct. 2022 - Family Engagement Core Competencies from NAFSCE, Family-School-Community Partnership PaTTANpods, Beyond the Cookie-Cutter Tiered Family Engagement Session
Sept. 2022 Upcoming Conferences, Job Openings, Settling IEP Team Disagreements
May 2022 - Resources for Pennsylvania Family Engagement
Apr. 2022 - New resources: BSE Bulleting for Educators, Family Involvement vs. Engagement, and new publications.
Mar. 2022 – Family Engagement Frameworks

Feb. 2022 - Supporting Students with Disabilities in Virtual Environments (SSDVE); Annotated IEP Companion Checklist
Jan. 2022 – FAMILIES TO THE MAX: Pennsylvania Statewide Family Network