Office of Vocational Rehabilitation



This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into by and between the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (“DLI”), through its Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (“OVR”), and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (“PDE”), through the Bureau of Special Education (“BSE”)

OVR/BSE Partnership Letter - English

OVR/BSE Partnership Letter - Spanish


team putting puzzle togetherUnderstanding the Memorandum:  OVR and BSE Working Together as One

This series will overview the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement between the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) pertaining to the provision of transition services for students with disabilities. Throughout the series, participants will be introduced to tools for collaboration between OVR, BSE, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), youth and families.

Understanding the MOU Flyer
Understanding the MOU Flyer - Spanish


April 8, 2021 (9:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
Unpacking the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


This session will provide information regarding the legal requirements and tenants of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and the Bureau of Special Education (BSE). In addition, a detailed plan for implementation will be introduced.


1. April 8 webinar -Participant PPT
2. PA 2020 - MOU BSE-PDE
3. PA MOU OVR-BSE Professional Overview
4. PA MOU OVR-BSE - Youth-Famly Overview
5. OVR 2021 Pre-ETS Flyer
6. NTACT-Interagency Collaboration for CIE
7. NTACT- CIE Toolkit - Section 3

April 21, 2021 (9:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
Engaging Stakeholders


During this session, presenters will share strategies for engaging stakeholders in the transition planning process. Information regarding strategies for IEP participation, including family engagement, student-led IEPs, and agency involvement will be presented. Resources for including OVR in the IEP planning process and planning for transition services will be discussed.


1. April 21 webinar -PowerPoint
2. Why Students Should Work w-OVR
3. Special Education Timelines
4. Desk-Ref-Sp. Ed. Overview
5. Inviting OVR to IEP Mtgs
6. Process for Coord Betw OVR-LEA
7. Entitlement-vs-eligibility
8. Understanding-self-advocacy
9. Student Participation in IEP rubric