My Plan for Success (MP4S)

My Plan for Success (MP4S) 

The accountability requirement under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 mandates each state determines the extent to which students are achieving transition outcomes. Indicator 14 is one of the 20 State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicators, and focuses on the secondary transition mandate by which each state is to determine, for the state as a whole, the extent to which students are achieving transition outcomes on year after exiting high school as stated in their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) (Indicator 14).

Exit Process and Post School Surveys

To meet the federal reporting requirement, each local educational agency (LEA) in Pennsylvania is mandated to administer an Exit Process and Post-School Surveys to students (who have graduated, dropped out or reached the maximum eligible  age) with individualized education programs (IEPs) once over a five-year period, based on the LEA's assignment to a targeted sampling year.

My Plan for Success (MP4S)

The random sampling process used to assign each Local Education Agency (LEA) to one of the five years in each cycle ensures that the LEAs selected each year will be representative of the state as a whole with regard to district size, disability category, ethnicity, LRE status, gender and exiting status. The My Plan for Success (MP4S) will be used to gather this data.