What is Transition Discoveries? 


Transition Discoveries is a research-based model (Kester, Flanagan and Stella, 2021) for empowering communities of youth, families and transition stakeholders to join together in evaluating current transition programming and developing data-driven plans to address current needs at a systems-level. As a systems-level intervention, Transition Discoveries is implemented with the goal of improving current transition practices, programs and services across all relevant schools, sites and programs within an LEA. Ready to learn more? Check out our brief overview video below. 

Successes from Transition Discoveries Implementation

Through collaboration with IU partners, PaTTAN has supported Cohorts of LEAs in implementing Transition Discoveries (Kester, Flanagan, and Stella, 2021) a method for identifying systems-level strengths and needs related to current transition programming, leading to the development and implementation of a plan to systemically address them.

Select an LEA

“Newport School District transforms post-graduation preparation programs to meet the needs of the students and community.”

Newport School District wanted to improve the transition programing for all students with IEPs, the Transition Discoveries grant abled the district to engage with parents, students, community and agencies to develop and provide the support needed to implement the plan. This was parent/student and community driven action plan starting this summer with a Learn and Earn program through PA CareerLink. It will continue to develop employability skill programs, connection with community agencies, businesses, and in-house industry credentials, all geared towards making sure our students when they graduate have many resources available.

Sto-Rox School District expands their community-based instructional program for students with disabilities!

The transition team at the school district has been working together throughout the school year to improve and create work experience opportunities for students in the life skills classrooms. They plan to begin the program at the start of the 24-25 school year with new and exciting experiences right in their community!

Hampton Township School District uses a team approach to make changes for youth with disabilities.

After gathering feedback from students, family members, stakeholders, and staff, Hampton High School will implement a PAES (Practical Assessment Exploration System) Lab beginning in the 2024-2025 school year with their Transition Discoveries Grant funds. This assessment will provide IEP teams with data of a student’s employment potential. This information will be used to place students appropriately within the community during their Community Based Vocational Education course.

Mountain View School District continues to expand for individual students

Manufacturers to bring career awareness and job to our students in the NEPA. We had members from a manufacturer come in and do a presentation this spring. We are also working with OVR to bring summer job opportunities to students through the My Work Imitative. MV Transition program set up non-profit sites for this program to occur over the summer. MV transition program has partnered with a local non-profit to host a Pathways program for senior students and next year we are hoping to expand that to Adulting 101 to prepare students for independent living. The transition program is working to provide more opportunities for students to build the soft and vocational skills through volunteering in our community.

PAES LAB comes to Upper Merion Area School District

Upper Merion Area High School will be implementing the PAES Lab. The PAES Lab is a research based assessment that will help identify a students functional skills, interests and their strengths within a variety of careers.

Spring Grove provides career cluster exposure to students in grade 7-12!

With our TD Grant funds, Spring Grove has partnered with a company (Paxton-Patterson LABS) to expose students to various career opportunities. We have obtained a discovery curriculum with hands on manipulatives to create opportunities for students to experience over 40 hours of fun across 11 different careers. Students and their families are passionate about transition opportunities to increase independence and success beyond high school. The district is exploring and creating transportation options, work based learning experiences, career exploration activities (LABS), and parent trainings to enhance transition planning at Spring Grove.

Danville Area High School encourages individuals with disabilities to prepare for a bright future!

Students with disabilities and their families have worked with the school district to share ideas, aspirations, and perspectives about transitioning into adulthood. The team is developing a My Work Program with OVR for students with disabilities to receive a summer paid work experience and give back to the community. Next school year, a student inspired and run school store will be developed and operated providing a variety pre-employment skills.

CYSD youth drive transition planning conversations between educators and community.

The CYSD T-CAT team brought together educators, students, families, businesses and agencies to discuss increasing transition opportunities for youth in our community. We're proud that our students were able to lead these conversations and are excited to begin implementing some of the ideas and partnership ideas that were shared.