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What is the FAMILIES TO THE MAX Network?

The FAMILIES TO THE MAX: Pennsylvania Statewide Family Network (F2MAX) is an organization of families and professionals advocating to presume competence and increase opportunities for students with disabilities who have not, historically, received the same grade-level, standards-aligned instruction provided to their same-age peers.

                                       FAMILIES to the MAX brochure--english version             What is FAMILIES TO THE MAX brochure--spanish            

To download or request copies of our brochure, click on the picture. 


**ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you know about the PA Statewide Family Network

FAMILIES to the MAX (F2MAX)—The family voice in Pennsylvania
Learn how FAMILIES TO THE MAX has inspired members and changed what’s possible for their children and ALL children in PA. Families share the impact of presuming competence and having high expectations for children with disabilities and special healthcare needs. (Video available in English and Spanish.)
                                                       Image of the video FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The Family Voice in PA. Click on image to go to video 

FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO: La voz de la familia en Pensilvania
Aprenda cómo las FAMILIAS A LO MÁXIMO han inspirado a los miembros y han cambiado lo que es posible para sus hijos y para TODOS los niños en PA.  Las familias comparten el impacto de presumir competencia y tener altas expectativas para los niños con impedimentos y necesidades especiales de salud.
                                                                     Image of the Spanish Version of the video FAMILIES TO THE MAX: The Family Voice in PA. Click on image to go to video

SPREAD THE WORD! Share this video with school personnel and boards; medical, related, and community service staff; all families; and post on social media sites.


                                                                         FAMILIES TO THE MAX PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE FAMILY NET                FAMILIES TO THE MAX PENNSYLVANIA STATEWIDE FAMILY NETWORK  Spanish logo


                               PaTTANPod image for Families to the Max. Click on image to go to video.

                        image of an apple tree being watered by a red can with PEAL, PaTTAN, HUNE, BSE written in it.  Locations such as Northwest, Northeast, North Central, Philadelphia, South Central, Southwest and Southeast are on the branches of the tree. MAX Families is written in the sun to the left of the tree and then under the sun is Seedling: Project Max Grant; Watering Can: Partners; Tree Committee; Roots Core Vaues; Trunk: Council; Big Branches: 501 School Distrcts, 29 Intermediate Units; Leaves local Communities, Organizations; Fruit Student/Youth                                                         


FAMILIES TO THE MAX was created through a federally funded state personnel development grant (SPDG), called Project MAX, awarded to Pennsylvania in 2012; was sustained by a second SPDG, P2G (Middle School Success: Path to Graduation) awarded in 2017; and is currently funded by a third grant, Success for PA Early Learners (SPEL), awarded in 2023. Following the beliefs of MAXimizing Academic Access, Expectations and Learning, the Network collaborates with families, educators, related services providers, and the community to promote maximizing access, raising expectations, and learning for all students, including those with diverse needs.

                                                                   Maximizing Academic Access, Expectations, and Learning. Supports for Educating Students with Complex Instructional Needs                       https://www.pattan.net/Graduation-Post-Secondary-Outcomes/Graduation-Post-Secondary-Outcomes                    SPEL Success for PA Early Learners




Contact the FAMILIES TO THE MAX Network at f2max@pattan.net, call us at 1-800-441-3215, ext. 3262, or contact one of the Parent Partners below.

                                        Images of IDEAs that Work, HUNE, PEAL CENTER and PaTTAN logos