Family Information

parent-info.jpegSupporting a child with a disability through their education takes a team approach. As a parent, you are a key member of your child’s educational team. PaTTAN’s Family Support Specialists and other staff aid families in understanding the special education process, share information and resources, and work with state agencies who support families like yours. PaTTAN encourages partnerships among families, schools, and communities to foster success for all children.


Important News for Families

Check out these summer opportunities for trainings and networking!

PaTTAN Family Support Specialists publication image. Click on the image for more information.

 Families, do you have questions about special education services, rights, evaluation, or IEP process? Are   you looking for family-friendly resources to help you co-lead your child’s educational journey with   them? PaTTAN’s Family Support Specialists can assist with general information about the IDEA and   Pennsylvania special education regulations, processes, forms, and more (including low-incidence,   sensory disabilities.) Check out our new publication to see how we can help!

**ATTENTION PARENTS! Do you know about the PA Statewide Family Network?

FAMILIES to the MAX (F2MAX), the family voice in Pennsylvania, has inspired members and changed what’s possible for their children and ALL children in PA.  Click on the image to watch the video (in English or Spanish) and learn more about this dynamic group.

                                                      Families to the MAX video in English.  Click on image to go to video.                Families to the MAX video in Spanish.  Click on image to go to video.


Popular PaTTAN Publications for Families

To access publications specific to families of children with disabilities, click on "Resources" in the green box at the bottom of this page.
Click here  to access all PaTTAN publications.



- Office Lead
- State Lead
Molly Black PaTTAN - EAST
Linda Cartwright PaTTAN - EAST
Jacqui DiDomenico PaTTAN - EAST
Patti McGowan PaTTAN - EAST
Tesia Nasehi PaTTAN - EAST
Mara Bell PaTTAN - WEST