The Bureau of Special Education and PaTTAN are pleased to offer
Family Scholarships to Pennsylvania residents who are not employed in a professional capacity by a school entity and are adult caregivers. You are invited to apply for a full scholarship to attend the
Safe and Supportive Learning Environments: Prevention Before the Crisis Summit being held,
August 16 & 17, 2023 at PaTTAN Harrisburg, 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112 the scholarship includes:
- Waived registration (for one)
- Lodging for up to two nights.
- Reimbursement for food and mileage.
All scholarship applications must be completed by
June 15, 2023. Please contact
Tina Rife, , if you have difficulty using the application link below.
Family Scholarship Application
One scholarship will be awarded per application. Spouses, partners, and children are not able to attend the event with you and if attending must register on their own. An email will be sent to inform the applicant if your application has been accepted or declined. Due to the size of the event, we are not able to accept all applicants.
Application link:
Family Scholarship Application
Hotel Information
Upon approval of your scholarship, your hotel room will be arranged for you, based on the information you provided via the application, please be on the lookout for an email with the confirmation #.
The hotel is:
Best Western Premier, the Central Hotel
800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111, (717)561-0668.
If you decide not to attend the event or no longer require lodging notify Tina Rife via email at no later than August 1, 2023.
Conference Registration
Visit the conference webpage
here to learn more about the conference including keynote presenters and session titles and descriptions. Register for event sessions online at:
PaTTAN - Prevention Summit.
Registration for the summit closes on August 1, 2023. For additional information contact: Tina Rife, 717-901-2278, or