SCRIPT Workshop

PaTTAN - EAST Google Maps

Session Dates

Tuesday October 15, 2019 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM - PaTTAN - EAST

This event is by invitation only. You must have a registration key in order to register.

"The SCRIPT — the Strategic CSforALL (Computer Science for All) Resource & Implementation Planning Tool — is a framework to guide teams of district administrators, school leaders, and educators through a series of collaborative visioning, self-assessment and goal-setting exercises to create or expand upon a computer science education implementation plan for their students” (CSforALL). This workshop facilitates an LEA SCRIPT team’s work in creating a CS Vision for their district, evaluating current CS programs, and goal setting for future work.


LEA participants will be able to…

  1. Discuss the state of CS in PA
  2. Describe the SCRIPT, its purpose, and its applications
  3. Identify the top three impact areas most important to their district community
  4. Create a CS vision statement
  5. Describe the state of CS in their LEA
  6. Define SMART goals for advancing CS in their LEA

Target Audience

SCRIPT Teams from PA LEAs consisting of the following:
Minimum group:1 central administrator; 1 building administrator; 2 teachers/librarians - currently teaching CS OR who will be asked to teach CS; and 1 school counselor

Recommended group: 2 central administrators; 2 building administrators - across buildings; 4 teachers/librarians - currently teaching CS OR who will be asked to teach CS, across buildings; 2 school counselors - one MS one HS; for a maximum group size of 15 people

Topics Covered: STEM

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


PaTTAN Educational Consultant, Brian Stamford

Event Contact:


Melissa Howell

Content Contact:

Kat Zimmerman

Additional Info

SCRIPT teams typically consist of 10-15 people, including central and building administrators, teachers and librarians, counselors, and support staff (e.g. special educators, aides, etc.).  For this workshop, an LEA team is required to have at least 1 central administrator, 1 building administrator, 2 teachers or librarians who are currently teaching CS or who will be asked to teach CS, and 1school counselor. Group size is restricted to no more than 15 people from across the district.