PDE CSI Regional Improvement Team Training

PaTTAN - EAST Google Maps

Session Dates

Friday June 21, 2019 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - PaTTAN - EAST

This event is by invitation only. You must have a registration key in order to register.

The Regional Improvement Team (RIT) members for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Schools will engage with their colleagues about Pennsylvania’s System for LEA and School Improvement. RIT members will discuss their roles and how they have approached working with CSI schools throughout the Cycle of Improvement. An emphasis will be on the various phases of implementation, monitoring and adjusting the course, and how each component fits into the the Cycle of Improvement.

A thoughtfully developed school improvement plan, completed in steps of the Continuous Improvement Cycle, describes the activities (i.e., evidence-based strategies and associated action steps) that the school will carry out to address identified priorities. Implementation is the process through which a school carries out the plan with fidelity.  Evidence-based strategies, combined with effective implementation result in improved leadership, teaching and learning.

Implementation of school improvement plans requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments throughout the implementation process as the school’s needs and LEA conditions change. Monitoring and reviewing/tracking progress occur at all levels of the system. The improvement cycle is iterative and ongoing and provides multiple opportunities for adjustment in implementation. School and LEA leaders may decide to make adjustments based on quarterly monitoring. 


Regional Improvement Team Member will:
• Further develop their understanding of the Cycle of Improvement through an introduction to, and thorough review of the various phases.
• Identify stakeholders to be involved in the implementation phase of the cycle of improvement.
• Develop a procedure for collecting benchmark data for the plan.
• Engage in discussions with their regional improvement team on developing routines with their schools and region.

Target Audience

CSI Regional Improvement Teams

Topics Covered: Other or Non PaTTAN

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


Rosemary Hughes, Kristen Lewald, Licia Lentz

Event Contact:


Marci Davis