Who Can Help?
Intermediate Unit Technical Assistance: Support and training in AT is available from assistive technology consultants through Pennsylvania intermediate units (IUs). Most IUs have local procedures for requesting technical assistance or training. Teams are encouraged to contact their local IU or visit PAIU website for more information.
PaTTAN Technical Assistance: PaTTAN consultants may also provide assistance, usually in collaboration with IU staff. You may contact your regional PaTTAN office.
PaTTAN Short Term Loan (STL): PaTTAN maintains a Short-Term Loan Library, which offers a broad array of AT devices. These AT devices can be borrowed by LEA IEP teams and are used to determine the appropriateness of a particular device for an individual student, prior to the LEA or parent’s purchasing the equipment. See PaTTAN's STL Program.
Technology for Our Whole Lives (TechOWL); formerly called ‘Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT)’: TechOWL is part of the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University and provides information on AT to all Pennsylvanians who may need it. TechOWL also operates the Pennsylvania AT Lending Collection, which can serve as another source for borrowing AT devices. See TechOWL.