AT and Short-Term Loan

The Role of Short Term Loan in AT Acquisition

The PaTTAN Short Term Loan (STL) program is a lending library of assistive technology (AT) kits available to local educational agencies (LEA) for a trial period of four to six weeks.

LEAs can play an important role in the acquisition of AT for students who need it.  The opportunity for students to try AT devices in their customary school environments provides teams with valuable data. Teams may collect data on a student’s ability to use device features in targeted situations with one or more AT features or devices.  Students and staff may provide anecdotal data during and after device use. There are many benefits to a “try before you buy” approach to selecting and acquiring AT.  PaTTAN’s Short Term Loan program can make  this kind of informed, data-based decision making possible for student teams.

Who is eligible to borrow? Pennsylvania educators employed or contracted by an intermediate unit, school district, charter school, approved private school, or state early intervention program (county infant/toddler early intervention program or MAWA preschool early intervention program) can borrow from the STL program. Educators are encouraged to conduct AT trials with the participation of the child’s/student’s multidisciplinary team, including families, in the decision-making process.
What types of kits are available? AT kit categories include:

  • AT for Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)

  • AT for Blindness/Visual Impairment

  • AT for Computer Access

  • AT for Deafness, Hard-of-Hearing/Deafblind

  • AT for Switch Access/Environmental Access

  • Technology for Print/Reading/Writing Support.

How do I request an STL kit? In order to borrow STL kits, educators must first register on the PaTTAN website ( and then log in. Registration is required only once. Then visit PaTTAN Short Term Loan webpage  and follow the directions on the page.

For complete information about PaTTAN Short Term Loan Program, visit the Short Term Loan page and STL Q&A Webpage.