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AAC in Virtual Environments 123

AAC in Virtual Environments 123

Traditionally, the implementation of augmentative and alternative communication in schools has focused on face-to-face interactions. However, with some creativity and collaboration, AAC can be taught in virtual environments. This session will provide some tips, tools, and strategies for making virtual augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) therapy fun and engaging. xxx abc xyz
Considerations and Strategies for Success in 2021-22

Considerations and Strategies for Success in 2021-22

01:59:02 minutes
This session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest special education policies and fully prepared to begin the 2021-22 year in a virtual or hybrid learning environment. Presenters will share considerations, strategies, and resources for a successful transition into the new academic year.
Resource Sharing from the Autism Initiative Season | PaTTANpod [S2E27]

Resource Sharing from the Autism Initiative Season | PaTTANpod [S2E27]

00:13:00 minutes
One of the state leads for the PaTTAN Autism Initiative shares was resources the team has curated for educators, parents, caregivers, and students during this extended school closure.
SSDVE Presents: Back to the Future: Planning for the 21-22 School Year with Digital Solutions

SSDVE Presents: Back to the Future: Planning for the 21-22 School Year with Digital Solutions

This session will support practitioners in setting goals and priorities for summer professional learning activities, drawing on their experiences with hybrid and virtual learning during the 2020-21 school year. The session will offer considerations and strategies for using digital tools to plan for the 2021-22 school year.
SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Accessible Virtual Learning Environments

SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Accessible Virtual Learning Environments

00:57:15 minutes
This session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest policies relevant to supporting students with disabilities in virtual learning environments. Presenters will share considerations and perspectives from the field concerning the accessibility of virtual environments, resources, and experiences. Digital solutions will be provided for ensuring learning activities are accessible across in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning environments.
SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Effective Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers

SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Effective Partnerships with Parents and Caregivers

00:58:17 minutes
This session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest policies relevant to supporting students with disabilities in virtual learning environments. Presenters will share considerations and perspectives from the field concerning engaging parents and caregivers to support learning in virtual/hybrid environments. Topics will include how educators can use digital tools and strategies to effectively communicate and collaborate with parents and caregivers, and how you as an educator can empower parents and caregivers to support their child’s virtual/hybrid learning.
SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Effective Progress Monitoring

SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Effective Progress Monitoring

00:56:21 minutes
This session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest policies relevant to supporting students with disabilities in virtual learning environments. Presenters will share considerations and perspectives from the field concerning effective progress monitoring with messy data. Digital solutions will be provided for effective ongoing progress monitoring in in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning environments.
SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Providing Special Education and Related Service

SSDVE Presents: Considerations and Strategies for Providing Special Education and Related Service

00:57:40 minutes
This "SSDVE (Supporting Students with Disabilities in Virtual Environments) Presents" session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest policies relevant to supporting students with disabilities in virtual learning environments. Presenters will share considerations and perspectives from the field concerning the use of virtual environments and tools for providing special education and related services such as speech language pathology and audiology services and physical and occupational therapy. Digital solutions for providing special education services in in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning environments will be discussed.
SSDVE Presents: Delivery Models - Options and Outcomes

SSDVE Presents: Delivery Models - Options and Outcomes

00:54:48 minutes
This session supports practitioners in becoming fully aware of the latest policies relevant to supporting students with disabilities in virtual learning environments. Presenters will share considerations and perspectives from the field concerning the use of virtual environments and tools to replace, supplement, or extend classroom learning.
SSDVE Presents: Spring, Summer and Fall - Transitioning Between School Years

SSDVE Presents: Spring, Summer and Fall - Transitioning Between School Years

00:53:12 minutes
This session offers considerations and strategies for closing out the school year, supporting learners and their families in the summer, and planning for the upcoming year. Topics will include collecting accurate data that measures student growth, maintaining student and family engagement in the summer, developing and implementing effective IEPs, and growing professional capacity.