CS Instructional Design

CS Teacher Workbook: Instructional Planning

This workbook supports K-12 educators in designing and implementing computer science (CS) activities that are standards-aligned, universally designed, and culturally relevant.


Drawing on the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Theory, the CS Teacher Toolkit is designed based on this understanding:

CS content (what you teach) and CS pedagogy (how you teach) must be the basis for the selection of technology (tools you use to teach).

CS framework Venn Diagram: CS Technology, CS Pedagogy, CS Content


CS Content
CS Technology
CS Pedagogy

TPACK in the CS Teacher Toolkit

CS Content + Pedagogy: Instructional strategies supporting the delivery of CS content
Examples: CS unplugged activities, reading about CS, storyboarding, and computational thinking

CS Content + Technology: The use of technology to deliver and access CS content

Examples (with UDL context): 
Multiple Means of Representation: Teachers may provide ways of customizing the display of CS content, such as video tutorials, visual programming, puzzle activities, language translation, and assistive technologies (font and contrast adjustment, screen readers, speech-to-text, etc.). 

Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Students may choose to construct and demonstrate CS content knowledge and skills in multiple ways, such as using robotics, creating prototypes with 3D printers, and developing coding projects.

Multiple Means of Engagement: Options for CS content learning based on student’s interests, culture, age, etc. 

CS Pedagogy + Technology: The use of technology as part of instructional strategies to deliver CS content

Examples (with UDL context):
Multiple Means of Engagement: Teachers may use technology resources that allow for differences in pacing, length of work sessions and self goal-setting, and accommodates varying levels of prior knowledge. Teachers may integrate technology with explicit intentions to promote collaboration and communication (e.g. paired programming, sharing and remixing projects).

Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Teachers may use technology resources that provide levels of scaffolding, and offer options for monitoring progress and providing instant feedback to learners.


Resources in the CS Teacher Toolkit adhere to these principles:
Framework Informed
Content (what teachers teach) is informed by the K-12 CS framework.

Objectives (how students demonstrate CS knowledge and skills) are aligned to the Pennsylvania-endorsed CSTA CS standards. 

Infused with Computational Thinking
Computational thinking is a fundamental skill for everyone. CT is a problem solving thinking process that can be promoted and integrated in CS classrooms. 

Universally Designed
The design and delivery of lessons is grounded in the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to provide equitable access to CS for all students. 

Pedagogically Supported

Lessons are designed and delivered through sound pedagogical strategies. 

Embedded with Assessments
In light of UDL, formative and summative assessments support students in setting goals and monitoring their progress. Multiple options for expression are provided. 

Connected Across Curricula 

CS is integrated and taught in a meaningful context that connects other subjects across curricula. 

Supplemented with Age-Appropriate Technology 
CS learning is not tool-centric but is supported by age-appropriate technology.

Connected to Physical Making
Coding does not happen in isolation; hands-on activities with physical tools helps learners construct and visualize knowledge. 


Where applicable, sources in the PA CS Teacher Toolkit are attributed using Creative Common licensing and footnote citations. 

Recommended citation for the PA CS Teacher Toolkit:
“Pennsylvania Computer Science Teacher’s Toolkit.” Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, (2020). https://www.pattan.net/Supports/STEM/PAsmart/CS-Teacher-Toolkit