ES Intensive Skills Training for Students with Emotional Behavior Disorders

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Session Dates

Tuesday January 28, 2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - PaTTAN - CENTRAL
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - PaTTAN - CENTRAL

This series is designed to assist multi-disciplinary teams meet the needs of students with emotional behavior disorders in various settings. Teachers and administrators often struggle with offering a balance of high-quality and effective instructional practices while establishing behavior management systems that result in every student experiencing success. In this training, noting applicability to students of all instructional levels, a review of effective instructional strategies and procedures for delivering high-quality instruction will be covered. This will not only include direct instruction techniques but also establishing a cooperative learning environment, identifying different types of assessment, and data recording to inform instruction and intervention matching. This series includes addressing both academic and behavioral skills through implementation of evidence-based practices. A short preview of some behavior skills that will be reviewed include establishing instructional control and teaching self-advocacy skills. Additionally, Trauma informed practices along with tips to increasing family engagement will be included. An emphasis will be placed on effective instruction methodologies, standards aligned instruction, school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), advanced tier interventions such individual token economies, behavior contracts, self-monitoring checklists, and implementation of positive behavior support plans. Tips for training classroom team members to implement interventions with fidelity leading to increased positive outcomes for students will be covered.

Module 1- Foundations for ES Teachers
This session will include an overview of students with emotional behavior disorders (EBD), the principles of behavioral science, the role of functional behavior assessments and positive behavior support plans in addressing students' behavior skill needs. It will also address how to build strong relationships by establishing positive learning environments and willing learners which will lead to increased engagement in school. Establishing behavior management systems that include defining classroom expectations, routines and procedures, setting up the classroom environment, developing schedules to meet student's needs while planning instruction to include procedures for teaching and correcting behavioral errors.

Module 2- Core Instructional and Core Behavioral Practices
This session will provide a review of core academic and behavioral strategies. It will also cover procedures for delivering high-quality instruction for students across all settings. The focus will be on evidence-based interventions applicable to students of all instructional levels. An overview of different types of assessment, data analysis, standards aligned curriculum and explicit instruction will be reviewed. Career readiness skills, trauma informed practices and social skills instruction will also be addressed.

Module 3- Advanced Supports for Students with Behavioral Skill Needs
This session will provide an overview of advanced tier interventions including conducting a functional behavior assessment (FBA), developing a positive behavior support plan (PBSP) with specific attention to each component of the PBSP, including teaching functionally equivalent replacement behaviors. This module will include a step-by-step guide for implementing proactive antecedent motivational interventions such as token economies, behavior contracts and self-monitoring checklists. A review of de-escalation techniques, considerations for developing safety plans, and staff training will be included.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • pass a brief competency exam on basic behavioral concepts
  • identify evidenced-based, effective instructional routines and procedures
  • list basic procedures in developing classroom schedule
  • define and list strategies for establishing cooperative learning environments
  • identify different types of assessment and data to inform instruction
  • identify effective instructional techniques for teaching academic and behavior skills
  • identify strategies for prevention, de-escalation and reduction of problem behavior
  • identify evidenced-based interventions to address teaching replacement behaviors

Target Audience

Educators including general and special education teachers, Instructional support staff including paraprofessionals and personal care assistants, Administrators, New Special Education Teachers, New Emotional Support Teachers and classroom team members, Returning teachers who want to learn evidenced based instructional practices for working with students.

Topics Covered: Learning Environment and Engagement

01/09/2025, 02/13/2025, 03/13/2025
Location: PaTTAN - WEST
Registration: Closed
01/30/2025, 02/27/2025, 03/27/2025
Location: PaTTAN - EAST
Registration: Closed
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate individuals who have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and who need assistance at this event. Contact: Michael Stagemyer, at 717-901-2255, or

Event Info

Event Type:


Credit Type:

Act 48 Clock Hour
No credit


PaTTAN Educational Consultant

Event Contact:


Michael Stagemyer

Content Contact:

Ashley Harned