49. Symposium: PBIS in Alternative Schools

April 26, 2019

Symposium: PBIS in Alternative Schools
Inclusive Interventions: A School Wide System for Every Student
Developing an inclusive Tier I system that can benefit an entire student population can be difficult. We will examine a Tier I system developed for students with disabilities and discuss how the system can be used in various educational settings and with various student populations.

We T.R.Y. - #Alt Ed. 2.0
Learn how Community School West, an Alternative School in Allegheny County, has implemented school-wide PBIS with success. We will discuss the unique ways we teach and reteach our expectations, in addition to sharing how we use data to drive our decision making and address the behavioral needs of our students.

Title of Training: 2019 PA PBS Implementers' Forum

Presenter: The Vanguard School & Allegheny IU 3- Community School West

Training Date: 05/15/2019


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